I forgot to mention that the Purina Hi-Point Dog dinner was held Friday night during the PRTA trial and I went. It was great fun and I had a hoot rubbing shoulders with the icons on the game. Purina had a table FULL of goodies and I got to pick two as being the "Youngest Person at the Table" and "The person who travelled the farthest". I picked out two nice pieces of woman's clothing from Cabela's with a Purina logo on it.
Here is another pic of the great FC AFC Tangata Manu. He was 3rd in the Amateur at the PRTA trial. CONGRATS!! What a cool old man.
FC AFC Catalina's Miss Monica catching Kathy's hat in the air after the test. She got a JAM in the Open this past week-end...congrats to "Scandal".
A pic of one of the set-ups today. You cannot see the long gun here, but it is WAY out. We shot the long retired and then the short retired...picked up the short retired, then shot and retrieved the flyer and sent for the long retired after that.
After running tests, we stake out the wet dogs to dry off. They are very well behaved and just sit and watch the other dogs run.
PS-You can see all three guns if you click on the picture to enlarge it.
I thought my girls needed a credit card for an overnight stay to get the long bird, and as expected, both girls needed help.
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