August 5, 2012

Fort Collins Trial

Yet another week-end, yet another field trial.

It's the big stretch of trials here in Colorado and we're working hard.  Next week-end is the Centennial Trial and Kenny, I and other wonderful people are putting it on.  We still have some work to do this week to get ready, but have most everything prepared.

It was a fun and successful week-end for us.

Boomer got THIRD in the Open, Qualifying him for the US National.  I just love this dog and we're honoured to be able to train him.

Momma D got a JAM in the Open too, with me!!!  She ran terrific and it was so much fun to stand beside her.  A little wiggle here and a little wiggle there precluded her from a placement, but that didn't matter to me.  She was into it, she was working hard and she showed us she most definitely still wants to do this.  A hunt on the long retired in the first series was her biggest fault, and we knew that even though she did awesome in the last series, it was still hanging over our heads.

And Darbi's son Turq also got a JAM in the Open, not to be outdone by his mother.

Otto, the little (not so little anymore) puppy I raised (and sold to a client) WON the Derby.  It's been so much fun seeing him grow up and develop into a wonderful dog.  He has a bright future.

Darbi's young kids Razor and Ahti both finished the same Derby with JAMs.  So proud of those two for completing this difficult Derby!!  And their littermate Sleuth was THIRD in the Derby last week-end, also in Colorado.

Libby ran in the Open...and we're very proud of her!  She did the first series as good as any dog we ran, completed a very difficult land blind in fine fashion...and then picked up the poison bird on the water blind.  I can't say we were too upset...she's young and she's learning...however, it was a bratty move on her part.  Overall, we were very pleased with her performance.

Good week-end all in all!!!

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