November 1, 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts and PUPPY pics lately.  We've been busy trialing and on the road.  I'll be better this week.

Pups are doing great!!  They weather was so nice in Missouri that they spent the better part of each day running around and having fun while we trained.
They also had their first shots and second deworming while there and they came away with a bill of excellent health!!

The trial this past week-end went well.  Darbi and Libby were the Green Queens.  Darbi Jam'd the Open and Libby Jam'd the Derby.
Libby had 7 pins and one hook (again....) and I was really proud of her work. The last series especially.  It was a nice water double with the short bird up on the hill and the long bird across the whole pond, with the gun out of sight while the dogs swam.  All the handlers were a little stunned when they shot the test short, then long.  This order of throws threw a number of the dogs off.

Libby, as only her mother would do, primary selected on her own after the birds went down and I let her.  She smacked the test.  The whole situation made me smile as she reminds me more of her mother every day.  We don't train on primary selection, largely because of the flyer influence down here in the states, but some dogs do it on their own and it worked in this scenario.

Darbi worked her butt off in a tough Open and had a handle on the short retired (a hen pheasant) in the last series Quad.  A number of the early dogs handled or had giant hunts and then that bird seemed to get easier as the day went on.  That's the breaks of running early.

That was our last trial of the now for some rest!

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