January 25, 2011

Texas Update

Having a great time in Texas.  They are long days, but rewarding days.

Weather has been chilly down here, but much better than if I was in Canada!!

A typical Texas training scene.  Dog, horse and oil jack.

Darbi is doing wonderfully.  She is still in training, although we have slowed down on her a little bit.  She's not running two to four tests a day like the other dogs, but doing about 1/2 of what the other dogs are doing.  She is feeling fantastic and training like a star. (If you click on the above picture, you can see a close up of her surgical scar from the breeding).

But as you can see, she is developing quite a little belly.  She has also become a food monger!  She stares at me day and night hoping more food will come her way.  It is indeed strange behaviour for a dog that is not food crazy by any means.

We may be in the far south, but the toques and coats give away the weather.

There's a dog we are training by the name of Boomer.  He and I have become fast friends.  Boomer has an incredible water entry on marks or blinds and I took some pics of him today on a water double.

He has a much better swan dive than I ever did.

Only 2 1/2 to 3 weeks until I'm up to my eyeballs with puppies.  I am so excited!

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