May 14, 2009

Hanging in Colorado

I made it to Colorado safe and sound and it's so much fun hanging with the girls again.  They were super excited to see me and Darbi started screaming as soon as I walked into the kennels.  She NEVER screams.  They both look great and are real happy.

We trained on this test yesterday.  3 gunners out run as a double and a single.  Then we ran a big water blind.

I took this picture of Ollie and Daisy.  Daisy WON the Open last week-end in Nebraska and Ollie was second.  Great week-end for Horsetooth.  Miikka didn't make it past the first series and Darbi was dropped after the land blind after getting hung up in some drag back.

Darbi bringing home a bird in training yesterday.  She is a very happy girls these days and does everything with tail up and a good attitude.

Watching the flier.

Darbi is entered in the Open and Amateur of the trial this week-end in Colorado.  Miikka is still up in the air...she's stopping on every whistle, but still popping occasionally.  I'll sleep on it.


manymuddypaws said...

must be nice to see the girls again!!!

Sarah said...

have fun and good luck at your trial!!!