May 19, 2013

Horses and hounds

Hattie and I spent the day at the Colorado Horse Park today watching my guy Zed in a show.  It is an unbelievable facility!

I don't get a chance to ride Zed as much as I'd like, so I have half-leased him to a girl from my barn and they are having a great time.  My trainer rides Zed on my half of the days that I can't make it...which is often...and Ashley rides him the other half.

Zed was a bit of a spaz at the show today, but Ashley handled him like a champ.  He is a grandson of Secretariat and he showed it today.

Hattie took it all in stride and while wary of the very LARGE horses at first, she quickly settled in and had a great time.  I think a couple dozen people stopped to visit with her and it was great socialization!

Hattie meet Zed.  Zed meet Hattie.

Dirty nose.

Looking good Zed and Ashley!!

Ahh....Canadian Flag.

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