Tim jokingly called themselves the Green Team...and the name stuck.
Left: Elmingo's Pacific Eider MH *** - owned by John Hatfield (Shaq x Miikka 2007)
Middle: Elmingo's With One Twist*** - owned by Time Duhaime (Shaq x Miikka 2007)
Right: Elmingo's Violence On Request - owned by Rod Neterer (Prime x Darbi 2008)
THREE Elmingo puppies ran the triple Qualifying in Logan Lake, BC a couple weeks ago and they did very well. All three finished one or more!
What is to be extra proud of...is that all are Amateur owner handled and trained. We had Matti for a short time 1 1/2 years ago, but Tim has done pretty much all of her work himself. I "believe" it was Rod's FIRST field trial and he trains by himself in Alaska. What an accomplishment!!
I'm so proud of my Elmingo babies and it's nice to see that no matter where they are from, or where they go, they are all one big family.
On another note:
Miikka was bred for the second time today to Arson. We'll ultrasound in 26 or so days. Keep fingers crossed!
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